Tree Hugger

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


So, I have been reading that there are some people out there, who are protesting against the choice for the James Bond character, Mr. Daniel Craig?. They even want people to boycot the film?. Whats up with that?!. I have never seen him before, and don't know anything about him, but give the man a chance. Whats the prob?..he's Blonde? Ooooooh! / shut up! i havn't botherd to read their complaints, but i still think it's unfaire to judge the guy before the film comes out. I loved Pierce Brosnan just as much as the next guy. How he was let go, was not handled well by the studio! I feel for ya Pierce B.
So my thoughts of this decade, are to just sit back, relax, remember its a movie, and wait for it to come out. Then we may all complain, or rejoyce all we want.

Scott Out!


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