Tree Hugger

Friday, November 04, 2005

US Senate rejects Alaska oil ban

November 4th 2005
"The US Senate has voted down an attempt to ban oil drilling in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge".

We Hoped they could open their eyes and see what we see, but once again we are disappointed.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Two Thumbs Up!

So my newest film review, is on a film i waited a long time to finally rent. I have always liked Bill Murry, 'Ground Hog Day' is still a classic. 'Life Aquatic is a brilliant movie. The characters in this film are not just wierd and funny, but very clever. The acting is really good. The choice of actors seems perfect for the parts. The direction and script of this movie is great, giving it a unike look and feel compared to it's competitors. There are some really funny moments in this film, and although overall i did not bust a gut, i was still caught up in the depth and cleverness of all the characters. I highly recommend this film.

Ebert and Scott ....out!